Happy holidays from The A.V. Club
The entertainment news cycle is slowly dozing off in front of a rerun of Christmas Vacation and spilling Bailey’s on itself right now, and soon enough, that’s exactly where we plan to be. Yes, it’s the holly, jolly commencement of reduced hours here at The A.V. Club, which means Newswire will be taking a break, along with many other sections of the site.
In the meantime, we still have plenty of fresh content to keep you entertained while we’re gone, like: our annual Year In Swag round-up; lists of 2011’s best books, video games, podcasts, and comics and its Least Essential Albums; another episode of One Track Mind; the conclusion of our TV Club Advent Calendar; a “Why Don’t You Like This?” discussion of Hugo that suggests Tasha and Scott are just one disagreement away from totally punching each other; and even a few scattered TV Club reviews, for all the shows whose creators hate our reviewers and don’t want them to enjoy their holidays. And of course, should any major news break that we feel compelled to cover during our downtime, someone will certainly step in and do that. But otherwise, we’ll see you all bright and early in 2012. Bring donuts.
And on a personal note, a sincere thanks, as always, for reading Newswire. This year we went through a lot together—that whole Charlie Sheen thing, Brett Ratner Brett Ratner-ing his Oscar job, James Franco (though really, he went through us), Will Smith crushing New York with his trailer, anything that was even tangentially related to Community, seriously, anything—and it’s been my pleasure to share all of it with you. I look forward to mining even more cultural minutiae for you in the New Year. Happy holidays.