IFC cancels The Birthday Boys
Indicating the death of either sketch comedy or birthdays, IFC has canceled The Birthday Boys after two seasons. The series was produced by Mr. Show‘s Bob Odenkirk, and its eponymous Birthday Boys included comedians Jefferson Dutton, David Ferguson, Mike Hanford, Tim Kalpakis, Matt Kowalick, Mike Mitchell, and Chris VanArtsdalen. Ever the jokesters, the gang released a video saying that it was their decision to quit the show, and that they believe IFC will simply continue on without them. That’s certainly not the case, but it would be pretty ballsy of IFC to actually completely recast an obscure sketch comedy show that, presumably, didn’t blow up anybody’s Nielsen ratings box. With The Birthday Boys not returning, IFC will have to fill its alternative comedy hole with more episodes of Comedy Bang Bang, Portlandia, Maron, and all of those movies that it airs that don’t seem to have anything to do with alternative comedy, like The Matrix. Hey, IFC, of all the movies you could play, why are you playing The Matrix? Anyway, The Birthday Boys has been canceled, and here’s that video: