Go on a crime spree with a new Masked Intruder song
When it comes to pop-punk, Masked Intruder has cornered the market on crime. The color-coded quartet’s focus is narrow, with its songs alternating between longing for girls and attempting heists, but it’s mined the area well. On May 27 Fat Wreck will release M.I., the band’s sophomore album, and The A.V. Club is premiering “Crime Spree,” one of the album’s tracks, below. Masked Intruder doesn’t attempt to eschew its style, as down-stroked pop-punk bursts offer fans plenty of chances to feel like a love-lorn outlaw as opposed to a normal loveless pop-punk fan. Intruder Blue, the band’s vocalist-guitarist, points out the vitues of such an endeavor, noting that, “The cool thing about going on a crime spree is that you get to do a bunch of crimes in a row,” that is, “as long as the cops don’t catch you.”
Pre-orders for M.I. can be found in Fat’s store.