Here are some of the people Wes Anderson wants for his next movie with a lot of people
While Wes Anderson has already offered assurances that Moonrise Kingdom's glaring lack of Owen Wilson will not be repeated in his next film, lest his fans very, very meekly revolt, there are probably also going to be other people in that film, because Wes Anderson always likes to have lots and lots of people. And according to Twitch, some of those people could be Johnny Depp, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Jude Law, Jeff Goldblum, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, and Angela Lansbury— a mix of former and possible future Anderson stars, plus Angela Lansbury for the kids. No other concrete details have been revealed yet, although Anderson has said that it will be set in Europe, and that it will feature lots of 1960s pop songs, centered composition, and whimsical accessories. Well, he didn't say the last part, but shhh, he doesn't have to.