Knife Hits finds harmony in chaos on “Forgotten Vessel”
Formed in Florida in 2011, Knife Hits has seen members move across the country to Philadelphia and Chicago, but that hasn’t stopped the band from continuing on. Earlier this year, the band went on tour and released a tape, all of which presages Knife Hits releasing its debut album. On September 16 three labels—Dead Tank Records, Hydrogen Man Records, and Give Praise Records—will release Eris, which was recorded and mixed by Torche’s Jonathan Nunez.
The A.V. Club is streaming “Forgotten Vessels,” a song that expands upon the sound of the 52-second barn burner that was released alongside Eris’ announcement. “Forgotten Vessels” is no less aggressive, but expands beyond the band’s penchant for stop-start dashes of Orchid worship, building on that screamo framework to find its own approach to controlled chaos. In a way, it feels akin to the likes of Loma Prieta, another group that’s mined ‘90s screamo and found harmony within that chaos.