Star Wars: The Force Awakens Lego set appears to reveal a new character
Photos of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens Lego sets have leaked, revealing a new character along with them. The photos were shared via the Lego Star Wars fan site From Bricks To Bothans, which has already removed the images. However, since nothing disappears from the internet completely, here’s a tweet containing the pictures:
The images reveal two separate Lego sets, one for Poe Dameron’s X-Wing and another for the Millennium Falcon. The Millennium Falcon set includes Star Wars Hall of Famers Han Solo and Chewbacca, as well as newcomers Finn, Rey, and BB-8. But the set also includes two other figures: an anonymous member of the so-called Kanjiklub gang, and a bearded individual named Tasu Leech.
Who is Tasu Leech? Well, Entertainment Weekly has combed through the Force Awakens IMDB page and hilariously determined that the miniature Lego figure bears a resemblance to Yayan Ruhian, an Indonesian martial artist made famous by his impressive work in The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2. Ruhian was cast last January in The Force Awakens, presumably to kick Harrison Ford in the face. Until now, we’ve had no clue what character Ruhian will play.
Or, Tasu Leech might be portrayed by someone else, as it’s kind of a stretch to determine a likeness based on a Lego figure. But if you compare the two, you have to admit there are at least some similarities. For example, they both have heads, and they both can be thrown across the room without suffering much damage. Either way, representatives for Lego, Lucasfilm, and Ruhian did not provide comment.