Jon Hamm spills yet more hints about Mad Men's future
Jon Hamm has been unusually forthcoming with Mad Men information lately, his natural, Jon Hamm ease no doubt boosted by Esquire’s recent assertion that he is pure “eagle poetry,” whatever that means. Basically it means he’s slipped the surly bonds of Earth and become untouchable, which is why he can reveal that he directed an upcoming episode and spill the show’s return date before the network or Matthew Weiner get a chance—or give interviews like this one reported by Radio Times, in which he suggests that Don Draper and Joan Holloway might finally get it on. The quote in question came when a reporter at a London BAFTA event asked Hamm why Draper had never made a pass at Christina Hendricks’ eminently pass-worthy character. Hamm responded, “Who says he hasn’t?”
Which, Joan herself did, for one—specifically in a first-season episode in which she wondered aloud why Don has ignored her, before comforting herself with, “Probably because he’s so good-looking he can go outside the office for whatever he wants.” But Hamm’s reply seems to indicate there may have been something in their past—or possibly future, as he continued, “The Don/Joan dynamic is something that we do explore—and don't take this the wrong way—but we do explore as the show goes on.” And if that’s not vague enough, Hamm also added, “They have worked together for a long time, they know one another very well and I'll leave it at that.” Hamm then hinted that there is still unspecified “hope” for Don in the wake of his surprise proposal at the end of last season—which is also vague, but really, what greater embodiment of “hope” is there than possibly getting it on with Joan? Is this not the same hope that sustains us all? [via Vulture]