Tony Bongiovi, Meco Monardo & Lance Quinn: Christmas In The Stars: The Star Wars Christmas Album

Tony Bongiovi, Meco Monardo & Lance Quinn: Christmas In The Stars: The Star Wars Christmas Album

It may have been originally released in 1980, but this official Star Wars Christmas album would be the geekiest recording of any holiday season. Featuring R2-D2 and Anthony Daniels, the voice of C-3PO, it's got such idiotic novelty goofs as "What Can You Get a Wookie for Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb)?" And though the narrative threads are bound to induce fevered eye-rolling, that's sort of the point. (Pop-culture bonus points are also awarded for the vocal presence of John Bongiovi, who would later become Jon Bon Jovi.) In a year filled with kitsch, this straight-faced, nine-song collection is on another level entirely. You'll either laugh your head off or weep with geek nostalgia.

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