Here is a bunch of Community stuff to hold you over until next Thursday 

Here is a bunch of Community stuff to hold you over until next Thursday 

Have you heard? New episodes of Community are back starting next Thursday, March 15! (If you haven’t heard/don’t care, please turn in your A.V. Club badge and we’ll give you a 15 second head start before we commence chasing you with pitchforks.) Once the little show that could returns to the air, the Internet will surely stop talking about and obsessing over it, because that’s how these things work, right? Well, that leaves us eight days to soak up all the fan trailers, mash-ups, animated gifs, and supplementary Community material the web has to offer, so here are a few that are making the rounds today. Something something streets ahead.

First, a trailer mash-up of Community with another little-watched, cultishly adored comedy. Frankly, Internet, I’m disappointed it took you so long to get around to this.

This one makes less sense, but hey, Prometheus is almost as anticipated as the return of Community, and besides, those clips from “Basic Rocket Science” and “Epidemiology” had to be put to good use somehow, right?

And finally, if original, non-mash-up content is more your thing, well, the Internet is probably not the first place you should look. But luckily, today marks the debut of an animated Community webseries. The series of shorts, titled “Abed’s Master Key,” will debut in three parts on Hulu, and look to be about two minutes apiece. That means you can watch roughly 45 seconds a day between now and next Thursday to stave off the Community-withdrawal shakes. Make ’em count.

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