Reporter social distances himself the hell away from a bunch of big-ass bison

Reporter social distances himself the hell away from a bunch of big-ass bison
Screenshot: Twitter

Today, in truly epic demonstrations of social distancing technique: Please take as your new role model KTVM Montana reporter Deion Broxton, a man who knows exactly when a news story is over—it’s when a bunch of big scary bison get even remotely close to his camera.

Broxton posted his instant-legend self-preservation technique to Twitter today, uploading a clip of himself reporting from Yellowstone in which you can see him fall into his professional reporter face for like half a second before—“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh no, I ain’t messing with you.” And god bless him, there’s not a moment of hesitation; just a recognition that this was no longer a place that Deion Broxton, professional reporter, would like to be. (For what it’s worth, Yellowstone’s social media applauded Broxton for taking the right steps to maintain a safe distance from the numerous wild animals who live inside the currently shuttered park.)

The icing on the cake? Broxton followed up the first video by posting a clip of the ferocious beasts themselves—who don’t even seem to have noticed he was there. Better safe than sorry, though, right?

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