The Devil's Own
This latest attempt to cash in on Irish problems without explaining them features Brad Pitt as an IRA gunman who comes to America to make an arms deal. He's put up at the happy home of unwitting Harrison Ford, a New York cop who's plenty happy to have another Irishman around the house. Until the arms deal goes sour, that is, and shotgun-toting thugs show up at the house to get Pitt's gun money. From then on, Ford and Pitt are set against each other in a deadly game of cat and mouse, but the plot isn't a compelling reason to see this predictable movie. What makes it worth the price of admission is the energetic performance Ford pulls off in the cookie-cutter role of big-city cop. He's lots of fun to watch as he plays pool and drinks Guinness with Pitt, and his old trick of never quite hiding his character's feelings serves him well here. Throw in a decent acting job by Pitt, and this old-formula buddy-movie-in-disguise is grudgingly worthwhile.