The new Community syndication trailer understands that the show is really about hot girls with boobs

Those tasked with selling NBC’s Community to a new audience have often relied on subjective and intangible elements: The layers to its comedy. Its simultaneous embracing and deconstruction of sitcom tropes. Its “heart,” whatever that means. But Sony has hit upon a far more effective selling point in the trailer for Community’s syndicated run: The girls are hot and have boobs. Sometimes, they even talk about their boobs.

As one Community fan on Reddit points out, the preview—which is, unfortunately for everyone who likes hot girls with boobs, not embeddable—begins with a fairly astute introduction to the myriad “slackers” and “jocks” that comprise the show's dynamic. Said jocks, Troy and definitely Abed, engage in jock things, like kung fu and staring at tits. Said slacker, Jeff Winger, sleeps in class, fights for family, and lives for love, and so on.

Then, after a sensed phantom record-scratch, it gets to the good, representative stuff, as seen in this transcript:

Narrator: Check out the girls from Greendale Community College.

Britta: Give me back my bra Annie.

Annie: Ugh, I’m not even wearing a bra.

Britta: Ugh.

Narrator: They’re competitive.

Britta: I’m sorry, I have to go. I just won a contest for being hot.

Narrator: They’re provocative.

Shirley: Please just step aside and make room for a new generation.

Narrator: And they drive the guys wild.

Britta: You know what else is sexy? Annie.

Narrator: Studying never looked this good.

Annie: Bring it in for a boob bump ladies.

Indeed, studying never has looked this good—nor has Community, which no longer suffers from seeming like one of those off-puttingly smart-aleck series that might couch the overt nods to its female stars’ attractiveness in "irony," or balance them out with well-rounded, boring characterization that tries establishing them as people with actual personalities, even on the "jock" or "slacker" level. Now it just seems more like a chill place to hang with your bros and check out some hot, college strange. Perhaps if NBC had adopted this strategy years ago, Community wouldn’t always be in such peril. [via UPROXX]

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