Those Star Wars and superhero glasses you've been drinking out of all these years have been poisoning you with lead
Following the recall of nearly 12 million Shrek glasses over the summer because of toxic levels of brain-damaging, cancer-causing lead and cadmium, the Associated Press has discovered that pretty much every decorative drinking glass ever made carries the same risk, dating back to nearly 50 years ago. A specially commissioned laboratory test of 35 separate drinking glasses made between the late 1960s and this year—including those with enamel designs of Superman, Batman, and characters from The Wizard Of Oz—found that all of them exceeded federal limits on lead in children’s products by up to 1,000 times, many of these coming from glasses given out as part of various fast-food promotions over the years. For instance, the old Return Of The Jedi drinking glasses issued by Burger King in 1983 that, if you’re a certain age, you probably drank out of nearly every day? Even 27 years after their manufacture, they still “hit the FDA lead level for 6-year-olds after just eight touches.” And China’s long-term plan for world domination is slowly revealed.