UPDATE: U.S. Navy defeats Disney for right to make money off of SEAL Team 6
Dedicated to stopping tyranny wherever it may find it, the U.S. Navy has stepped up to challenge Disney’s attempts to trademark “SEAL Team 6,” whom Disney hopes to honor for killing Osama Bin Laden by emblazoning their name across some shit it can sell. The Navy reportedly filed two trademark applications of its own (one for Team 6, another for “Navy SEAL”—which could complicate Charlie Sheen's chances of making a sequel to this) some 10 days after the elite squad of opportunists at Disney swooped in, although at this point neither application has been reviewed. Still, in the ensuing battle for the rights to profit off the ensuing patriotism, we’d bet on the ones with the guns. And the battleships, in case Disney also has guns.
UPDATE: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Disney has now withdrawn its trademark application "out of deference to the Navy" and everyone who said bad stuff about them on Twitter.