Harrison Ford joins the Anchorman sequel, presumably as Han Solo

While Harrison Ford’s return to Star Wars remains expected, repeatedly rumored, yet still not officially confirmed, The Hollywood Reporter has news of his participation in another sequel to a film about crazy things happening around people with floppy ’70s hair. Ford has reportedly signed on to Anchorman 2 as one of several rival anchors to Will Ferrell’s Ron Burgundy—this one a “legendary newscaster a la Tom Brokaw,” who similarly reported on the day’s events in a weary, aggrieved tone that suggested the world was just doing stuff to annoy him. It’s the second time Ford has played a presumably cranky news anchor after 2010’s Morning Glory, though here he’ll obviously have to put up with far more wackiness than just Rachel McAdams’ annoying verve. Also, the story doesn’t say that this newscaster isn’t named Han Solo, so—given the way the Star Wars machine has been trying to discredit the Internet lately by underhandedly not reporting the things we just feel are true—let’s go ahead and exclusively assume that he’s playing Han Solo. Anchorman 2: Cyclops Vs. Han Solo is due December 20.

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