The Walking Dead is now a board game
Get past the emotional trauma and the viscera, and surviving the zombie apocalypse boils down to obtaining and managing your resources, and taking care to not be dragged down by friends or family members who only want to consume you. So it makes sense to see AMC’s The Walking Dead rendered as a board game: Its basic tenets are not unlike the game of Life, really, and also some people apparently still buy and play board games. This September will see Cryptozoic Entertainment release its adaptation of the series as a strategy game where you begin as a survivor hoarding tools and weapons, then die only to become a “walker” preying on your fellow players. It’s all the excitement of the series translated into endlessly repetitive scenarios, in which various ciphers are shuffled around, pursuing shortsighted goals and never really developing a sense of direction or depth. In short, it’s all the excitement of the series—but you should keep playing, because maybe it’ll get better. [via Bleeding Cool]