University Of Delaware students aced recreating the Friends opening credits
In what could be the precursor to the latest teen phenomenon sweeping college campuses, students at the University Of Delaware have fastidiously recreated the opening of ‘90s sitcom Friends. The students are all members of The Biweekly Show, a University Of Delaware TV show, and have perfectly mirrored the rather inexplicable choreography of what were once the hippest people on the planet. From the umbrella popping to the fountain splashing and stopping at every “David Schwimmer pretending to run in slow motion” in between, the group manages to nail every dance step set to the timeless sounds of The Rembrandts’ “I’ll Be There For You.” For anyone that doubts how true the reenactors stayed to their inspiration, the video includes a side-by-side comparison that proves they remained faithful to the rhythmic gamboling of Matt LeBlanc.
[Via Uproxx]