Watch Patton Oswalt promote his hypothetical tuba metal band

Photographer Matt Hoyle is promoting his upcoming book in a delightfully unique way. Comic Genius: Portraits of Funny People comes out this October, and it features Hoyle's original photos of beloved and influential comedians. To build up the hype, Hoyle is releasing a video every week via Funny Or Die that spotlights one of his subjects. Last week featured Steve Martin performing "Dueling Banjos" with Kermit The Frog. This week's comedian is Patton Oswalt, and he's all metal-ready and out promoting a band in which he presumably shreds on tuba. It's a lot shorter than the last clip, but seeing Oswalt in eyeliner is worth it. [via Laugh Spin]

Patton Oswalt in 'Heavy Metal' from Patton Oswalt

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