Jonah Hill to make directorial debut with salute to ‘90s kids

According to Variety, Jonah Hill is going to make his directorial debut with a coming-of-age drama that he wrote called Mid ‘90s. The plot reportedly revolves a young boy living in Los Angles in—appropriately enough—the mid ‘90s, and he apparently learns “life lessons with his skateboarding crew of friends.” That’s about all Variety knows, but considering how coming-of-age dramas tend to work, that skateboarding crew of friends will either have to confront the idea of death or the existence of sex, possibly by discovering a dead body and/or falling in love while skateboarding. Variety says Hill won’t be appearing in the film, because he’s too old to play a young boy and too old to play a young boy’s dad, but any cast details beyond that haven’t been announced yet.

As Variety also points out, this may be Hill first time directing, but he has worked on scripts before. He contributed to 21 Jump Street, his short-lived animated series Allen Gregory, and 22 Jump Street, but it seems like this will be his first real screenplay to make it to production.

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