Ellen DeGeneres producing an NBC sitcom about a lesbian

Hoping to fulfill the promise of post-coming out Ellen, Ellen DeGeneres has teamed with her former talk show writer Liz Feldman for an NBC comedy centered on a lesbian. In this case, it’s a lesbian who gets pregnant by her straight male friend, just as the latter meets and marries the non-lesbian woman of his dreams—thus proving to a modern audience, who’s already long past the point of learning this, that homosexuals are no different than anyone else when it comes to finding themselves in contrived sitcom situations. DeGeneres will executive produce, but she isn’t attached to appear in any capacity, except as a sort of spiritual benefactor hovering over the show. Unless maybe she’s an actual spirit hovering over the show, as it becomes a story about a lesbian, her man-pal, their baby, and an affable ghost who keeps interrupting their lives to insist that everyone dance. It’s not too late to change it, NBC.

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