Marvel announces there will be a 2015, which is when the Avengers sequel will be released

In an announcement overflowing with optimism, Marvel has revealed that there will be a 2015, as this is the year that the studio has marked for release of its Avengers sequel. The Joss Whedon-helmed follow-up now has an official debut date of May 1, 2015 in theaters—which Disney/Marvel expects to be standing, functioning buildings in three years—preceded by Iron Man 3 on May 3, 2013, Thor: The Dark World on November 8, 2013, Captain America: The Winter Soldier on April 4, 2014, and Guardians Of The Galaxy on August 1, 2014, each film being rolled out across a planet that still provides a comfortable place from which to seek out movies about superheroes, rather than being spread rapidly throughout the universe in an ever-expanding cloud of cosmic debris. "We are excited to confirm that there's more Avengers headed your way in 2015 and that life as you know it will continue more or less in its current state until the film has enjoyed at least three weeks at the box office," Disney said in its statement, basically.

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