Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch will be put up for sale

Attention fabulously wealthy middle-aged men who never really had a childhood: Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch, the haven of everything that fills your heart with pure wonder, but makes everyone else deeply uncomfortable, will soon be up for sale. Jackson moved out of the ranch in 2006, and after changing hands several times, the property was acquired by billionaire Tom Barrack’s Colony Capital in 2007. Since then, there has been talk of turning the property into a state park—a sort of Graceland West, but with bronze statues of children instead of gold-plated toilets—but that no no longer seems to be an option. Colony has been paying for the upkeep of the property over the past several years, and Barrack tells Bloomberg, “We’ve restored it to the original elegance Michael first envisioned.” But with most of the amusement park rides dismantled and Jackson’s personal effects sold at auction years ago, Neverland Ranch is currently an empty shell, just waiting to be filled by some new rich weirdo with a Peter Pan fixation.

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