Leslie Nielsen's final movie may never be completed without your help
At the time of his death, Leslie Nielsen had completed work on the low-budget animated film The Waterman Story, a feature adaptation of the popular Newgrounds-based animated series, starring as a famous adventurer who goes missing, leaving his son—who’s also the frontman of comedy-rock duo 16Buttons Of Justice— to go looking for him. Unfortunately, while Nielsen recorded his voiceover well over a year ago, the movie has been stuck in limbo since last February, with producers unable to afford to finish animating it. As it stands now, director Bryan Waterman is still looking for investors to contribute via PayPal to the film’s completion, in exchange for a special thanks credit on the film. In lieu of sending flowers, perhaps you could channel your Nielsen-related grief into the “Making Sure Leslie Nielsen’s Last Movie Isn’t Something Called Stonerville” fund.