Parents Television Council outraged over hint of penis on The X Factor
Emboldened by its recent, justifiable ire over baby hookers on Toddlers & Tiaras, the Parents Television Council will keep that publicity momentum going with an FCC indecency complaint over the guy who pulled down his pants on Wednesday’s The X Factor, essentially raping Paula Abdul right in the eye. According to the PTC, that “prolonged, previously videotaped footage” of exhibitionist contestant Geo Godley represented a conscious decision to expose America’s children to implied, barely-covered-by-a-digital-X nudity: “If Godley performed his act in public, he would have been arrested,” PTC president Tim Winters said, pretending to thump an air-podium. “But if he performs it in front of a Fox camera,” he adds, “his act is beamed via the public airwaves into every home in the nation.” (Of course, this would also be true of, say, Gordon Ramsay wandering into random kitchens and screaming at people.)
For his part, Godley—whom TMZ helpfully identifies as X-Factor’s “Dong Dancer,” in case you’re in the market for baby names—says he was wearing a G-string, and thus his actual, untouched-by-Fox exposure was really no more indecent than something you would see while cavorting amid "Greek island culture." Though given the way the Greeks have historically felt about young boys, we would probably go ahead and abandon that line of argument right now.