Bad Lip Reading turns The Avengers into a redneck melodrama

Bad Lip Reading turns The Avengers into a redneck melodrama

Bad Lip Reading remains a source of joy stemming simply from one person’s inability to proficiently read lips. BLR has resulted in hilarious reworkings of the NFL, Game Of Thrones, and The Walking Dead that reposition people and characters into a brand new, and usually dimmer, light. Now, the inexact lip reader is back, this time giving the business to Marvel’s The Avengers and, in doing so, reconfiguring the blockbuster into a redneck melodrama full of tension and poop talk.

“RedNeck Avengers: Tulsa Nights” comes complete with a sweet theme song that wouldn’t be out of place on a TLC show focused on some backwoods folk, and there’s more of BLR’s patented nonsensical discussions that start to take on their own internal logic as the non sequiturs roll on. There’s hook-ups, double crosses, lots of discussion of food items, and even a scene where everyone tries to get Bruce Banner to eat his vegetables.

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