Dwayne Johnson plays Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in the first Fighting With My Family trailer
As an actor, Dwayne Johnson has become a chameleon who disappears into his roles, whether he’s playing an awful CG scorpion man-monster, a mean man with big muscles, or a nice man with big muscles, but he’s completely unrecognizable in this trailer for the new WWE film Fighting With My Family. The movie is a biopic starring Florence Pugh as WWE star Paige, written and directed by Stephen Merchant from The Office, and Johnson makes an appearance here as former WWE star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson—a nice guy with big muscles who got famous pretending to be a mean guy with big muscles. He doesn’t get a ton of airtime in this clip, but what we do see is simply incredible. Dwayne Johnson was seriously born to play Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and we hope he gets some attention during awards season.
Joking aside, Johnson’s scenes are pretty funny, Florence Pugh is great, and Stephen Merchant has a solid résumé, so we’re on board. That being said, we do feel compelled to address Nick Frost’s Vin Diesel joke. Is it a nod to the Fast And Furious movies? Is it a very specific nod to the ongoing feud from the set of the Fast And Furious movies? The timing of that wouldn’t make any sense, unless Fighting With My Family is fudging its timeline a bit, so the only other option is that it’s just a random example of another big muscle guy, and the established connection between Johnson and Diesel is simply a coincidence. But here’s the real question: Is there literally anyone else in the world who cares about this other than us?