Helpful goose honks at horny people online
Since the earliest days of bumper stickers, people have been honking to identify as horny. But with the advent of the internet, people began to hide behind the anonymity of their screen names, secure in the fact that no one would ever know just how horny they were. Thankfully, an incredibly helpful goose is here to deliver onomatopoetic warning calls whenever someone gets too horned up in the mentions.
Following in the footsteps of the wildly successful Racism Watchdog, the Horny Reply Watchgoose identifies replies left by (primarily) men who seem to be under the impression they’re being sly with their extreme horniness. Depending on the egregiousness of the comment, the Watchgoose will apply some all-caps or exclamation points to the “honks.” In special cases, the novelty account will drop character completely and deliver an earnest plea for these men to recognize that 1) this is a public platform and 2) nobody asked for this.
Stay strong Horny Reply Watchgoose. You’re doing the Lord’s work.
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