Lyrics Born: Everywhere At Once
Lyrics Born's easygoing drawl and grainy timbre
have always signaled a guy who loves a good time. But even given how steeped in
cusp-of-the-'80s funk and R&B; his music has frequently been, it's never
sounded more acutely of that era than on Everywhere At Once. The looseness of musical
touches like the guitar plucking on "Differences" or the jumpy synth-horns of
"Hott 2 Deff" has limbered Lyrics Born up even more. He's good-humored and
hard-headed on the bootstrapping "Cakewalk" ("'A Japanese rapper, that'll be
the day / That's what my teacher told me back in the 12th grade / D'you believe
that shit? Good thing I didn't / Otherwise who else is gonna sell these
tickets?"). And "Hott 2 Deff" revels in old-school boasts ("Like TNT, we're
dynamite"). Not everything works: "Top Shelf (Anything U Want)" sounds like a
lesser cousin of Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie," and enough with the skits already.
Like any party, it loses steam toward the end, but it's worth attending for at least
a while.