The A.V. Club is going to Australia for BingeFest
Despite what you might have heard, The A.V. Club enjoys getting off the couch and heading outside for some fresh air, which we’ve been known to do even during the fall TV season. This winter, we’re going so far as to send a contingent of pop-culture ambassadors abroad. Now, Wilmington certainly has its charms, but The A.V. Club is going to Australia! Not to make boot jokes, though—we’re heading to the inaugural BingeFest in Sydney.
The A.V. Club’s helping take over the Sydney Opera House from December 17 to 18 for a 24-hour event that’s packed with TV, podcasts, art, and cat videos. Led by TV Club editor Erik Adams, our staffers will hold a lively discussion of the shows you should have watched by now, from The Twilight Zone to Mad Men to Community. With all the dramas, genre shows, and revivals out there, we’re going to tell you what’s worth your time. And true to our name, we’ll provide audio and visual accompaniment, which may or may not require some help from the Frinkiac.
After tackling the breadth of small-screen programming, we’ll narrow our focus to host an overnight Buffy The Vampire Slayer marathon. It’s been almost 20 years since Joss Whedon’s signature series premiered, but time hasn’t dulled its impact. The uninitiated as well as the seasoned Buffy viewer will be welcome to join us in the Hellmouth as The A.V. Club presents its top episode picks.
In addition to featuring some of the best of TV, BingeFest will also host a live taping of Harmontown as well as the latest installment of Shia LaBeouf’s living artwork. Radiolab host Jad Abumrad will also be down under to provide the dulcet tones for a discussion of the “science, philosophy, and the art of uncertainty” that’s gone into his radio show. And yes, there will be a cat video festival. For more information on events, head to the BingeFest website.