Judd Apatow says Fox stars need to start protesting Rupert Murdoch and Fox News
Over the weekend, Family Guy and The Orville creator Seth MacFarlane decided to take a nice big bite out of the hand that feeds him by saying that he’s “embarrassed” to work for Fox. His comment was a response to a quote from Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who recently instructed viewers to ignore everything they hear from any media outlet that isn’t Fox News—an unnerving quote that cuts right to the point of Fox News’ entire existence. Today, director Judd Apatow is saying that he’d like to see more Fox employees speaking out against the network, tweeting that actors and showrunners on Fox shows should be willing to protest against the “evil” Trump policies supported by Fox News and Fox owner Rupert Murdoch.
In a series of tweets, Apatow notes that he hasn’t worked for Fox since 2002 and “we all choose who to work with,” indicating that this has been a conscious decision for him and that others could/should follow suit. He also referred to attorney general Jeff Sessions as a “fucking kidnapper” over the Trump administration’s policy to separate immigrant parents and children and he asked how Fox stars can “remain silent when [the Murdochs] promote these policies.”