Courtney Love's former assistant sues Courtney Love for making her assist with doing Courtney Love things

Threatening to set a legal precedent in which, say, meter maids can sue for suffering the indignity of being meter maids, Courtney Love's former assistant Jessica LaBrie is suing her for being forced to assist Courtney Love in doing Courtney Love things, accusing Love of acting with "an improper and evil motive amounting to malice or despicable conduct" during her one-year tenure between 2010 and 2011—or, the year in which Jessica LaBrie first became aware of Courtney Love. In the suit, LaBrie claims she was hired by Love as a "forensic research aide," a job description which did not immediately alert her to consider fleeing for the nearest paralegal position, but rather ensnared her in a career where she was often asked to do things such as create falsified legal documents and hire a "computer hacker" among other "unlawful and unethical acts," as opposed to the many lawful and ethical acts that Courtney Love is involved in, such as napping. LaBrie also claims she was made to work 60-hour weeks without overtime, never received money she was owed or a promised tuition to Yale, and did not land a job on the set of a Nirvana biopic that LaBrie also believed was actually going to happen. In addition to her lawsuit, LaBrie is also shopping a tell-all about her experience with Love tentatively titled Get Me A Xanax—presumably after having been convinced to change it from Fucking Duh.

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