Here's Donald Glover's heartfelt plea to save Community, as if you needed another reason

Here's Donald Glover's heartfelt plea to save Community, as if you needed another reason

Community is a television sitcom on the National Broadcasting Company, or NBC as it's commonly known. It is quite popular among "fans" of television, though for whatever reason it hasn't been covered much on this website until this very moment. Donald Glover, presumably while doing an interview for something else, created an impromptu PSA urging viewers to save his show, which has been on indefinite hiatus since December. And I suppose if you care enough (and really, who does?), you could do as Donald says and call the number that doesn't appear on the screen. Or, write your governor, or some other lawmaker, and tell them to keep Community on the air so they can file your complaint away as "non-essential." But if any of you are reading this from the corporate headquarters of Sony Pictures, the company that makes Community, you know what to do. And it's called "5,500 comments on this article."

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