Lower your blood pressure listening to the organic sounds of Yellowstone National Park

With President Donald Trump—who’s such a very good boy, mind you—looking to cut $2 billion and 3,000 jobs from the Environmental Protection Agency, our preserved lands and national parks may soon resemble the cesspool so named after our commander-in-chief. Maybe it was foresight, but in 2013, Yellowstone National Park partnered with Acoustic Atlas at Montana State University to curate a collection of the park’s ambient sounds, all of which would reside in the public domain.

Yellowstone audio producer Jennifer Jerrett helped helm the project alongside an acoustic ecologist and the National Sounds Division, a branch of the National Park System devoted to providing guidance on acoustic monitoring. “I started volunteering at Yellowstone in 2013, doing a little bit of nature recording and storytelling through sound,” Jerrett told The Huffington Post. “Jeff Rice at the Acoustic Atlas, a nature and soundscape archive at the Montana State University Library, heard one of my stories, reached out to me, and we started to explore the possibility of some kind of collaboration.”

There are dozens of clips to distract you from the audial clutter of clacking keyboards or the gauzy screams of outrage as they echo throughout Twitter’s dim, cobwebbed hallways. Suddenly, the squawking of an eagle is not nearly so annoying.

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