Sail into the hostile waters of 2021 properly with sea shanty TikTok
Look right, ye salty dogs! 2020 is aft us, meaning we now sail atop the roiling, treacherous waters of 2021. If the year prior be any sure omen, then we best pray our sea legs keep strong for whatever the next twelve months holds for our damned souls. In times such as these, it always be best to steel oneself with a rousing tune that strengthens ye spirits. We pray you cast your eyes towards the prow of this leaky boat of ours, and open your ears to the jaunty jigs led by our fellow bards, because “Sea Shanty TikTok” is apparently as real as the devil Leviathan itself.
“Scoundrels!” some among you may curse us. “This video comes from the wretched shores of YouTube, and not TikTok proper as ye promised us.” To which we say, “Direct your blame towards TikTok’s lack of adequate embeddable posts.” In any case, what you swabbies see before ye is a finalized crowdsourced choir compilation of a classic shanty called “The Wellerman” led by a young Scotsman named Nathan Evans, joined by Luke Taylor with some solid harmonized vocal ranges to fill out the entire tune.
There exist scores more crooners aboard the fair maiden TikTok, as well. In fact, a quick scour of the hashtag #seashanty returns up a bevy of other examples. The fates have deemed it proper for “The Wellerman” to even become somewhat of a niche meme, itself.
Aye, if “The Wellerman” trend continues, perhaps the year will not be as useless as a landlubber’s…alright, this sailor speak is getting exhausting. Look, sea shanties are dope and make for good workday listening, is what we’re trying to say here.
[via BoingBoing]
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