JNCOs return to spread PLUR across the galaxy
Some people—like this guy and those who own more than one ICP shirt—may not have realized this, but JNCOs are not as popular as they once were. Sales of the brand peaked in the late ’90s, and now even heavily worn pairs of the super-wide jeans are going for ridiculous prices on eBay, presumably because people need bigger pockets in which to put their iPod Classics.
But like a candy raver on a three-day Special K binge, JNCO just doesn’t know when to rest. According to The Fader, the brand recently received an infusion of cash from a Chinese investor and is preparing to relaunch in 2015 with a core collection, a fashion collection, and a “heritage range,” presumably consisting of designs sourced from the same floating garbage island where all the Ed Hardy T-shirts now live. However, don’t go donning your pacifiers and Kandi bracelets just yet, because JNCO says the widest leg in its new line of jeans will be a less-than-phat 23”. The return date of JNCOS, like the date of all our deaths, is unknown.