Wealthy middle-aged men to get their own Discovery Channel
Having enjoyed some success with shows dedicated to things its viewers cannot afford but are nevertheless convinced they will someday, Discovery has announced that it plans to convert its current HD Theater channel into Velocity, a lifestyle network aimed at men aged 35 to 54 who make over $150,000 a year, a demographic that Discovery feels is underrepresented. No longer shall rich, middle-aged males be unfairly marginalized in this country: The target audience described by the channel’s VP as “pressed for time, they’re achievers, they work hard and play hard”—though not so pressed for time or consumed with achieving that they can’t take time out for basic cable—and who enjoy consuming expensive things will now have over 400 hours of programming focused on fancy cars, fabulous vacations, and assorted areas of sports and leisure. Discovery said it seemed like this was “an arena that television really doesn’t cover that extensively,” which is a statement that is surely ruining the brunches of all those who work at WealthTV.