A vigilante turns psychoanalyst in this Foolkiller #1 exclusive preview

If you haven’t heard of Foolkiller, you are not alone. He’s one of the C-list Marvel characters getting a profile boost by being part of Deadpool’s Mercs For Money, and like his mercenary teammates, Solo and Slapstick, Foolkiller is receiving a new ongoing series as part of the Marvel Now! publishing initiative. Writer Max Bemis delivered one of Marvel’s best surprises this year with his X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever miniseries, a title that showcased his sense of humor and attention to character. It was very silly but grew to become something more poignant, and hopefully his work on Foolkiller will be similarly engaging. The series has a strong hook as it explores Greg “Foolkiller” Salinger’s attempts to rehabilitate criminals in his day job as a psychiatrist, which also gives him an opportunity to vet potential targets for his vigilante persona. (It’s far from ethical, but since when have vigilantes been concerned with job ethics?)

This preview of next week’s Foolkiller #1 introduces readers to Greg’s current status quo while quickly recapping his origin, and the art team of penciler Dalibor Talajić, inker José Marzan, Jr., and colorist Miroslav Mrva emphasizes the differences between the two sides of Greg’s personality in the visuals. The gradual zoom on the black handles of Greg’s man purse subtly hints at the lingering darkness underneath his new attempt at respectability, and the flashback to his origin has a chaotic composition and stylized color palette that make it a strong contrast to the calm atmosphere of Greg’s office. Foolkiller is far from a household name, but this strong creative team is just what Greg Salinger needs to make a bigger impact on the Marvel Universe.

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