Happy Thanksgiving (and thanks for being cool with us not working for a few days)

Hey all, it’s Thanksgiving (or as it’s known overseas, Americans Eating Again Day). And much as the Pilgrims bravely left England to escape religious persecution, hoping to achieve the freedom that would allow them to enact their own religious persecution for a change, The A.V. Club staff is bravely leaving the office, hoping to escape those oppressors who would insist we write about stuff on a holiday. But while that means we likely won’t be updating Newswire in the next few days, barring anything majorly pressing, in the meantime we’ll have new editions of Gateways To Geekery, Hatesong, AVQ&A, Expert Witness, and Big Issues to tide you over. And then we’ll be back on Monday, ready to hear all about your holiday and maybe cover some entertainment news, if there’s time.

And now, if you’ll allow me a moment of sincerity: Genuine thanks for coming here and being a part of our website, sharing our enthusiasm for all corners of pop culture, and even indulging our frequent tendencies to goof around. We know this has been a year marked by a lot of changes, not all of them popular. But the one constant has been you guys, a committed and ever-growing readership whose dedication continues to surprise and delight us.

We may be spending Thanksgiving with our actual families, but we spend every day with you, our A.V. Club family. And just like hanging out with our flesh-and-blood-and-not-named-“CaptainFartyPants” relatives, even though we might occasionally disagree, in the end we all have this common bond. (Also, some of you are drunk.) That kind of community isn’t an everyday occurrence on the Internet, and you should know that we’re constantly grateful for it. So, thanks.

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